Drag out until roughly size required to create head
Rotate until hemishperes (where geometry converges) are side ways
Re - size and position hemi spheres as ears to allow for better size management
Increase / decrease segment amount until polygon size and amount aligns (best as possible) with geometry along top of head
Trim sides so only geometry that could flow down face remains
This example has too many segments flowing backwards around curve
to quickly half amount highlight every other section
edge mode - select every other edge segment along side edge - ring tool selects every edge perpendicular to highlighted edges (selection should appear as shown)
Use collapse tool (scroll down menu) to create halfed geometry as shown.
(Collapse tool automatically removes highlighted geometry (vertices and edges) and joins geometry either side creating collapsed effect)
Since facial geometry shown involves symmetry modifier only half geometry required (same modifier will be applied later)
Extra line of geometry added using connect tool tool to align all facial geometry
First highlight lines that require cut (connecting)
Select connect tool box - select required settings - ok
Join geometry round side of face whilst continuing flow from sphere - some tessalating required
Extra geometry can be added easily using shift key
edge mode - highlight ending edge of geometry = hold shift - drag away - creates newsegment of geometry to any size/position dragged to - can be later alterered accorfinly
Continue geometry to allign with facial geoetry whilst creating side + back of head
Add extra geometry to allow geometry to flow
Attach created head geometry to facial geometry - Do this by selecting facial geometry and then selecting attach otherwise facial geometry will inherit head information via hierarchy. Facial geometry in this example should be on top of hierarchy.
Target weld all a-joining vertices together to create single flowing mesh
Begin shaping out head into more appropriate shape
Allow geometry to flow more naturally (remove sudden turns or sharp edges or geometry flow)
(progress pictures)
Extend geometry down for neck creation
Flow geometry into neck/shoulder formation
Bring back reference planes (layers menu - unhide)
Allign new geometry with pictures
Allow geometry to flow in all directions
Alignment may not be perfect - use reference planes to create model as accurate as possible at this point minor defect may be accounted for whilst adjusting in smoothed result if necessary
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