Since uvw map was created using face mode (polygons selection mode) when reverting back to editable poly mode the uvw map becomes warped
However if using any other mode the uvw map will remain same
Using edge selection mode select all polygon edges involving hair bitmap
Hold ctrl and convert to polygon mode (uvw map will probably scrabble but already found wanted geometry - uvw map will unscramble once out of this polygon mode) - detach geometry as clone - hide head - slightly scale down Geometry
Symmetry modifier - create hole hair piece - change material if required - adjust geometry if required
Add hair modifier
To help visualize renders added large plane behind head to contrast from black background
Many different things can be done to the hair to reach different desireed effect this is a quick overview of some noted features and settings
Hair count - how much hair your working with
Hair segments - how smooth hair is (if it bends will it bend over 3 segments or 30)
Hair passes - for rendering - how many times scanned over for rendering quality (makes BIG difference)
Material settings - hair colour / texture etc - find very light dependant if specular is not damitically reduced - in experiance always comes up lighter then tone set
Frizz parameters - can alter appearance drastically - simply how frizzy the hair appears (how much hair disperses
Dynamics - allows you to see live visualisation of hair movement with different settings etc - used for animation
Display - allows change settings for how hair is veiwed in viewport - mainly for building hair
Styling tools - allows you to directly manipulate hair freely using different brush settings - changing legth by scaling length or cutting - brushing in different directions etc etc
manipulate hair with style tools after turning style mode on
Long time later get general shape coorrect
More time later make looking more natural (guide lines highlighted yellow)
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